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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Info Post
When it comes to problem solving and organizing small spaces, sometimes a little creativeness is in order.  It means really utilizing every square inch of space and thinking up ideas that are completely outside of the typical box.  That is exactly what Mallory did and the outcome is AMAZING!

Mallory wrote:

We love our kitchen since we've given it a fun makeover. Our totally tiny kitchen does a fine job suiting our needs...mostly... One problem I've run into with a small space is storage space.  We only have 3 upper cabinets and two lower cabinets.  Once I put my cookware and cleaning supplies in the lower cabinets and dishes in the uppers, I was about out of space! I had to get a little creative and maximize the empty space hiding in the room since we're lacking a pantry and our cabinets were about full. However, our kitchen had about a 6" opening between our wall and the refrigerator.  So, I headed out to Home Depot and picked up the boards and supplies I needed. This rolling storage cabinet is mostly built with 1x4 boards. I bought the pre-primed pine boards {say that 5 times fast!} and the great guys at Home Depot cut them for me for no charge.  I attached the beadboard backing, casters and a handle and that was pretty much it! I also added wooden dowels to the front of each shelf so we didn't have any run away cans! I've had it built and organized for about a week and it has made a HUGE impact in our family.  I have been able to keep the other cabinets organized and uncluttered, I actually know what food I have! I've even been cooking and baking more often and enjoying it this week. It's amazing what a little clutter-free organization can do especially in a small space!

Mallory {Classy Clutter}

Be ready to be thrilled!

Here is Mallory's kitchen:

She has very limited space to work with, but with her genius thinking, she created oodles of storage!

Can you believe it?!  By building a cabinet on wheels, she is able to expand her kitchen storage by the boatloads!

  • Because it's absolutely genius.  Such an itty bitty space in her kitchen {only 6"!} and look at how much storage she gained!
  • She made it herself to keep it custom for her space and to save some moolah!
  • She painted the inside with a WOW of chevron!  You totally wouldn't expect it, but it really takes the project to the next level.
  • The cabinet is on casters which makes it easy to pull out, even with heavy jars and cans being stored inside.
  • It is unexpected.  
  • It is just one big happy surprise.  It tucks away discretely, but when I saw it pulled out with all those jars and cans and that pretty background, it left a giant permagrin plastered on my face.  Love.

You friends are seriously amazing.  Thank you to Mallory for submitting her awesome secret storage solution!  You can see her tutorial here and take a moment to check out the rest of her lovely home here.  She has really unique and brilliant style! 

Who else literally said, "WOW!" out loud when they saw this?  How do you get creative in your itty bitty spaces with clever storage solutions?

ATTENTION!!  Want to be featured in a Reader Space edition?  Have an awesome organizing story to share?  I am looking for projects that have made a positive impact to your life.  Please submit your story and photos here and I would heart to feature them right here, on the blog!!  Photos should be high resolution and unedited.  Please include a description of the project, including any costs, inspiration, and how it has changed your life and routine for the better!  Oh, and no worries my friends, we will NEVER judge "before" pictures because that just wouldn't be nice!  Only love goes on at this blog!


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