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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Info Post
Last month a bunch of self proclaimed organizing obsessed ladies {myself included}, hosted a "Spring into Organization" blog home tour and link party.

I easily spent over five continuous hours reading endless stories about how organizing is changing and impacting lives for the better.  Do you know how happy that made my heart?  Small projects, big projects, kid projects, pantry projects, budget and free projects... LOVED. IT. ALL.

Check out Brook's laundry sorting method using basket drawers!  Simply genius!

I also drooled over her lovely craft room!

Krista has a super organized pantry... maybe it was the subliminal message on the inside of the door on that fun chalkboard that made me all warm and fuzzy... Or maybe it was all of the labeled baskets...

Speaking of pantries... I can't get enough.  I love what you fabulous friends do to spruce up your food storage!  Like Emily, how pretty are those chalk labels and fun colored bins!

Jessica reminds us of the power of paint in a pantry!

You know how much I love to label with vinyl.  Amber does too!

I am over the moon for this colorful laundry closet done by AlexisAnne.  

Bianca's laundry room deserves to be in the glossy pages of a magazine.  I am swooning!

Stacey-Lee shared a command center that will leave the entire family on the same page day after day, and they will be smiling from the insane amount of cuteness going on as well!

Margo turned an old breadbox into a functional and pretty charging station!  Not a cord in sight, LOVE that!

I adore how Meredith and Gwyneth make over all sorts of pretty trays for organizing around their apartment.

My girl, Cassie, gave an unused space in her home and makeover and now it is super functional and being used space!  The colors leave me grinning ear to ear!

Jen is Queen Amazing at finding fantastic dollar store items for organizing, and then making them super duper pretty!  Check out her spice storage!

Also creating high end looks on a budget, check out how Christine smartly created a knock off Pottery Barn piece with an Expedit!

Seriously, how fantastic is this studio/office space?  So unique and charming.  I adore all of the personal touches!

Megan shared an incredibly creative way to store ribbon!  And if you head over to her blog you can see how she stores it in a super sweet way too!

And for you fellow scrapbooking fans, Nicki has quite the impressive paper storage system!  I love how she used the paper color right on the labels!

Thank you to everyone that linked up and shared your organizing story.  You are proof that we are a giant ring of inspiration, and I found so many new and creative ideas because of you!  To me, that is priceless!

ATTENTION!!  Want to be featured in a Reader Space edition?  Have an awesome organizing story to share?  I am looking for projects that have made a positive impact to your life.  Please submit your story and photos here and I would heart to feature them right here, on the blog!!  Photos should be high resolution and unedited.  Please include a description of the project, including any costs, inspiration, and how it has changed your life and routine for the better!  Oh, and no worries my friends, we will NEVER judge "before" pictures because that just wouldn't be nice!  Only love goes on at this blog! 


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