Breaking News
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Info Post
It's time for my monthly sponsorship shout out, and I couldn't be more excited to have added to my sponsor family!!

Blogging has become a second job.  But it's the best job.  It's a job that brings me new friends, inspiration and daily excitement.  I look forward to blogging in all my spare moments.  IHEART my job!  However, as much as I adore it, I have also become a full time blogger, which means daily posts and a drive to try and respond to each and every comment and email {although, sometimes it can be crazy challenging to keep up!}.  That's where my sponsors come in.  They keep these blogging lights on, to help support my time writing posts and  responding to emails and editing photos, my equipment and the costs that are associated with running a full time blog.  They are what make this blog possible and for that, I am extremely grateful.  So please stick around and take a moment to read about the folks that keep this blog afloat from month to month!

Let's start out with Jane, who was this here blog's very first sponsor!  She runs an incredible blog herself, The Borrowed Abode, in which she shares all sorts of goodness dedicated to the pursuit of fabulous decor for rental homes and providing rental decor advice to others.

This girl totally has it going on, she has provided so many inspiring and great tips for both renters and home owners alike.  Here are a couple of my favs from the last month...

She has been creating a personal studio within her home, and the posts are all filled with all sorts of eye candy.  Like these super cute storage containers for her thread!

And this adorable jewelry storage creation!

Paired with some insane fabric storage, which left me oogling for hours!

And seriously, how fantastic is this memo board?

Do you see the organizer that she is?  That could have something to do with my love of her blog!  And the rest of her house tour is sure to leave you impressed as well!!

And I have to say, she has been getting her Etsy shop up and running, and I already was able to purchase something incredible from her, and I was extremely impressed!  She is a very talented gal!

Endless thanks to my friend Jane for her continued support of IHeart Organizing!


Michelle runs an time and money saving blog that is sure to make all of your lives easier!  Michelle's title says it all.  It's quite amazing really!  But you CAN cook 5 dinners in just ONE hour too!!

Here's how:

Michelle has created a plan to cook all 5 dinners for the week in just ONE hour. All the menu plans have family friendly meals that feed 4-6 people and no, they are not all casseroles. :)

The meals are fresh, not frozen. They keep in your refrigerator until ready to heat and eat!

You could spend one hour on a Saturday or Sunday preparing 5 meals for your busy week!!  Yep, it only costs you the cost of the groceries and the one hour time investment, and you have meals for the whole week!  Done!

Not only does the fact that you can make 5 dinners in one hour sound incredible, but nothing is better than coming home from work and having your dinner already prepared before you run off to that kiddo's sporting event or music lesson.  It saves money on eating out and causes so much less stress in trying to find time to feed your family on a busy work/school night!  This is such music to this mom's ears I tell you!!!

Michelle was also kind enough to come up with a special promotion, just for you IHeart Organizing readers!  Subscribe here and get a $3.00 discount off the regular price of $15.00 for your first 3 months! Making your first 3 month subscription only $12.00! 
You can find all the rest of the details right here on Michelle's blog.  And while you are there, give her some extra virtual hugs to thank her for her support of IHeart Organizing!


Tracy from Creme de la Gems Boutique Jewelry has hopped on board this month!  You just have to pop over to her website and her facebook page to check out all that she has to offer.  Her work is beyond gorgeous, I could just "oooh and ah" over it all day!

As a mom, I am especially in love with the idea of sporting personalized jewelry that contain the names of your little ones!

And don't these hair pins just make your heart skip a beat?

And I don't have a little girl, but if I did, I wouldn't be able to hold back from something like this!!

The attention to detail in Tracy's shop is flawless!  She also runs an Etsy shop!  Incredible!

Many thanks to Tracy for partnering up with me to keep this blog rolling!


My blogging buddy Amanda who writes the blog Our Humble A{Bowe}d,  is continuing to support me as well!  My smiles are plastered!

We have another gal full of incredible talents, and lucky for us, she shares those talents with us through her Etsy shop!

She can turn a photograph into incredible wall art!

 She can whip up some playful artwork for your little ones haven!

Or for your haven, in the form of some personalized art!

And now, what I am uber giddy about, she is offering pillow covers!!

Thank you Amanda for sharing your home renovations and crafts with us on your inspiring blog, and for offering up your awesomeness through your Etsy shop, and most importantly, for supporting IHeart Organizing!


For someone who is a tad obsessed with cleaning and organizing, imagine the match made in heaven that was discovered when I found Toni, from a Bowl Full of Lemons!  She currently runs a blog that gives me my daily fix of all things IHeart, she is quite impressive in her skills!

She also sells Shaklee products, which are products that are naturally safe AND proven effective for cleaning your home.  Do you hear me squealing!! 

When you pick Shaklee, you will know three things to be true. It is always safe. It always works. And it is always green.  Win win and win right?!

Here is a fact that knocked my socks off, "Through the sale of Shaklee Get Clean® Basic H2® in the last year alone, Shaklee has eliminated 2.7 billion bottles of conventional, ready-to-use 26-ounce window cleaner — if placed end-to-end, these bottles would wrap around the earth more than 18 times!"

I am personally drooling over these home kits!  

Everything one could need to keep their home clean and green!  My favorite combo!

Interested?  Check out Toni's Shaklee website here, or visit her blog here to find out more!!  And again, give her some extra hugs while you are there!


Another sponsor new to the blog this month is Katie, who sells the amazing Scentsy warmers and scents!  You already know from this post, how much I adore these Scentsy products, but if you are looking for more information, you can checkout the website for all sorts of products and background on what makes Scentsy products such a good choice for filling your home with amazing aromas! 

The cool part about Scentsy, is that you can either fill your home with smells through a full size warmer:

 Or a plug in warmer:

Which you combine with the insanely incredible scents... that come in an endless amount of smells!

They also have other products, like room sprays:

And my littlest has been begging me for one of these guys!

I love that any time I open the front door, for myself or a guest, I am greeting with the most amazing aromas.  And it's all thanks to Scentsy!  Thank you Katie for your support of the blog!  And also for offering up a discount to my readers!!  That's right everyone!  IHeart Organizing readers get 10% for mentioning the blog and emailing your order to Katie @


The love seriously doesn't end there.  Can you believe it?  I am one lucky lady!

Christine with Simple Starfish Jewelry is another talent that I am gushing over!   Once you pop over to her website or her facebook page, you will know why I adore her work!

The shop is filled with beautiful hand stamped pieces, that include everything from necklaces to bracelets... and the customization possibilities are endless!

I couldn't help but eye up this circle shaped pendant with the pretty pearl in the center!

Or this fantastically charming, charm bracelet!!

And how sweet is the idea of having a personalized key-chain made for that special someone!!

Personalized gifts such as these really let someone you know, just how much you care about them!  I have gotten lots of happy tears by giving gifts such as these!  And what mom wouldn't be proud to sport her munchkins initials or names?  Love.

Again, Christine's awesome work can be found on her website and on her facebook page, be prepared to stay awhile and gaze at her skills!


It's so important for me to extend my gratefulness to these sponsors, for all they do for me and this blog.  I hope that you all take a moment to check out their fabulousness, whether via their blogs, their shops or their facebook pages.  And you can always find their links by clicking on their banners on the sidebar of this blog at any time.  There is so much talent to be found!  Such a lucky girl I am to have the sponsor family I do!

P.S.  Interested in becoming a Sponsor of IHeart Organizing?  Check out my "Contact Me" page for additional details!  I would heart to partner up!


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