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Friday, January 14, 2011

Info Post
Oh happy Friday!  I just love Fridays, it means a whole weekend to ORGANIZE!  Just kidding.  As much as I love it...

Anywho... this week has been full of steps that I have been taking around the Jones abode to get papers in order.  I deemed this "Project Paper", since January is the best time to get your system installed to make the rest of your year is easy breezy.

So far, we have done some Research, Kept and Recycled, Created a Filing System and Organized Receipts.  Today, let's chat about maintaining.  The key part in all of this.  Sure, it's great to have functional and pretty storage, but it's only great if it works and you use it.

Last year I shared with you a little on how we keep mail in order, consider this the 2.0 version as things have been slightly modified.

During the previous year I found that I used my planner for everything.  And that includes keeping papers and bills in order.  And the planner I utilize makes it easy, so I take advantage of that!

So here is how it typically goes down.  My little buddy and I snag the mail each day.  Not when we are driving away or too busy to tend to the new pile of papers entering the house... just sayin'....

Then, instead of creating a stack on the counter, I go through it, RIGHT AWAY.  Sorry, it looks like I am yelling.  I am not.  I am just saying in the most friendly voice, that it's so important to do something with it as soon as you can, otherwise, the pile monsters come out.... and I love you too much to let the pile monsters get you.

I adore my letter opener.  It saves my life fingers daily and cost me about an entire dollar at an office supply store.

I open each envelope, and make two piles, "To Do/Keep" and "Recycle/Shred".  Any bills that need to be paid, then get removed from the statement and tucked with it's envelope inside my planner pocket.

All items that contain important dates, such as wedding and party invites, get paper-clipped to the corresponding page in my planner.  Keeping extra paper clips in the pouch comes in very handy.

The rest of the papers and statements get filed in our "To Do/To File" bin in our memo station.

 Or sent to the shredder...

I block out about 15 minutes a week, typically on a Sunday, to go through all of our memo station bins.  I file away our required paper work, write out bills, take action on any other paperwork, and file our kiddos school work.

It's all extremely easy and painless.  I promise!

Again, this is totally what works well for me.  We are all incredibly different with different lifestyles, so I am curious, what works for you?  Any other tips to share with myself and the readers?

I decided a little challenge would be fun! This month we are getting all those papers in order!  Wanna join?  Take pictures and blog about your awesomeness as you go!  I am hoping to do a giant, "We did it!" celebratory post where we can all link up our paper filing success stories at the end of the month!


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