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Monday, January 10, 2011

Info Post
Many of you mentioned you are excited to start tackling things one room at a time this year.  One room at a time, one project at a time.  Good job you!  That is exactly the way to do it!  This will ensure a less overwhelming feeling.  Trying to do too much at one time will only set you back, not move you forward.

Many of you also mentioned that you like a good challenge.  Some fire under you if you will.  That it's one thing to look at a project completed by someone else, it's another to be challenged to focus on your own.

I decided a little challenge would be fun!  However, just one a month is good.  This will ensure you are able to take your time, focus on one thing, and feel amazing when it's done!  Of course, if you wish to go hog wild and complete many, many projects in a month, have at it!  I have months where I get oodles done, and some where only one or two things get checked off the old "To Do" list.  It's all about ensuring it doesn't burn you out, and that you do it in the time that works for you!

Take pictures and blog about your awesomeness!  I am hoping to do a giant, "We did it!" celebratory post where we can all link up our paper filing success stories!!

This month we are are focusing on paper.  Ugh, really you say?  Yes I say!  Getting papers in order, and setting up a good system at the beginning of the year, will help you throughout the whole year!  And it seems to be quite the hot topic right now, so let's do it together!

In fact, I could really use a little help in this area myself.  I like to empty out my files from the previous twelve months and give myself a blank slate for the new year ahead.

However, I am going to throw this out there.  I am not a FINANCIAL expert.  I am in no way trained in regards to paperwork, what to keep, what not to keep.  I can not be held liable.  What I can do, is share what works well for me, and what I have learned in my research along the way.

And the funny thing is, I own seven books on home organization, and not ONE really touches the "What to keep and what to toss" dilemma. Urg!

We are all different and in different situations.  Some need to keep more papers than others.  It's all personal.  It's all based on your current life scenario.  It's SO important to keep that in mind.

So here is part one of the "Project Paper" challenge... Who's with me!?

1.  Research.

As I mentioned, everyone is different.  You need to be the one to decide what YOU need to keep and get rid of.  But I will say, don't be scared to let go.  It feels great and gives you much more space to work with.  And less papers to sift through when looking for the one you need.  And think, how many times a year do you go back to your filing zone to pull papers?  Me?  Maybe once or twice.  And it's important to think about that, what are you going back for, what have you never looked at?

Here are three links that I have turned to when deciding for me personally, what to keep, what to toss:

Simply Stated: What Papers Belong in a Filing Cabinet?

Consumer Reports: When to Toss Documents

Consumer Report:  How Long to Keep Documents

Of course, no matter where you look, you may find different answers.  That's the hard part for me.  There is no black and white.  And as an indecisive person, I like to be told exactly what to do.  That's what honestly makes this process painful for me.  Just sayin'.

2.  Keep what you need.

I printed off the list of what to keep, and used a marker to place a dot next to each situation that pertained to me.

I then sorted through all of our papers, and placed them into piles by type.  I made use of open floor to do this!

Once I had all my piles, I stacked them {criss-cross style to keep piles separated/orderly}.

For someone who is a little iffy when it comes to papers and letting go, minus my tax information {which I will touch on later}, I keep a document box in my storage room that holds my previous years papers.  So right now, I will remove all of my statements/papers from their respective files, recycle those I absolutely know I no longer need to keep, rubber band the remainder together, and bring them straight down to a document box {I use this one}, in which it will live.  I get only one box for this purpose.  When a new years worth of documents enters, the oldest year in the box, gets recycled.  Number of times I have ever gone to that box.  Once.  Is this necessary?  Probably not.  But I run a business and am nervous.  So it's my personal insurance.  

It's also important to be realistic about how much space you have to store all of your papers.  I for instance, live in a pretty tight quarters with a large family, space is definitely limited.  In fact, I don't own a filing cabinet, my goal is to make everything fit into my one document box in the storage room {my archived documents} and in one portable file bin {current year's documents}:

I found this portable file at Walmart late last fall for around $9.  I choose to go portable because I like the flexibility it provides when working on projects such as these, the space saving it provides and that it's easy to bring to my mail vs. bringing my mail to it.  Again, just a personal preference.

3.  Recycle.

Take that enormous stack of no longer need to keep papers and shred them.  If you don't have a shredder, take them to a friend or family member that does, or utilize a bon fire or fire place in need of some kindling paper.

I called it a day at this point.  Tomorrow I plan on organizing the file bin with folders and labels, giving my stack a place to call home.

I hope you all see that it isn't as terrifying or daunting as organizing paperwork typically is made out to be.  If you have oodles of back-log and piles to go through, plop in front of your favorite DVR'd show and take your time making the piles.   Enlist in your family to help give you the time you need, whether that means the kiddos playing together for awhile or doing it after they are in bed.  

I would love to hear from you if you are taking the paper plunge and doing this with me!  Any other great resources to share when it comes to the huge "What to Keep" question?

I decided a little challenge would be fun! This month we are getting all those papers in order!  Wanna join?  Take pictures and blog about your awesomeness as you go!  I am hoping to do a giant, "We did it!" celebratory post where we can all link up our paper filing success stories at the end of the month!


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