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Monday, January 24, 2011

Info Post
I am not sure if any of you can relate, or if I am just that organizing crazed, but I often times make mental notes/lists of things I want to accomplish/organize.  Of course I make lots of handwritten notes, but I also scribble lots and lots of crazy ideas right onto my brain itself.  I will see something sitting out that really needs a home, and make a mental note that next time I am out and about, to do some searching.  And typically I don't forget, because each and everything that doesn't have a place begins to eat at me and drive me temporarily insane.... OK, I probably am the only one with that problem...

That was exactly the case when it came to our home owners and mortgage paperwork.  You know, those extra long documents that are incredibly frustrating to file due to their awkward size?  Well, for eons now, ours have been nestled up in our storage room, waiting so patiently for a home.

And focusing on getting all of our paperwork in order reminded me, that I absolutely needed to finally do something about those crazy sized documents floating around in limbo land, and I could finally check off those random documents off of my "need to find storage" list.  This actually falls back into Step 2, Setting up a Filing System, which is why I didn't exactly assign this as another step.  I am just finally getting to calling this one complete is all!

So, while we were out and about this weekend, I popped into my favorite organizing store, and picked up one of these legal sized boxes:

Seriously, isn't that pattern so happy and fun?  I couldn't resist!!

I instantly made up a pretty label to pop inside the built in label holder!

I realized after I was done with my label, that it looked as though "legal" documents were stored inside.  Like court documents.  Nope, I was going for "legal sized" documents.  Oh well, at least I know myself and what I think I thought I meant.... ?

Then, I hopped on down to our storage room to snag up those documents waiting oh so patiently for their new nest.  And I couldn't find them.  Case in point.  Everything needs a home.  This is the type of thing that drives me batty... time to call in the folks with a straitjacket.

Since the flooding, the storage room took on some extra duties and was working harder than it was typically used too, and somehow, the home documents had gotten misplaced.  But after a little searching, they were found safe and sound, and I could breath again.

I quickly swooped in like Superman to save them from their doom, and rushed them up to safety.

I started out by popping in all the documents we received from our contractor when we built our home...

Followed by our lending documents...

I just adore that feeling of an item finding it's way to a home.  One less thing clouding my brain.  One more thing checked off that endless list.  And the box has plenty of room if any more awkward long shaped papers make their way to our casa!

So where does this new box live?  Now that it's functioning as storage?  Why, up on the top shelf of our closet office with all of our other filings and boxes....

I love the little "pop" of visual interest it provides!

Anyone else give paper products a new home this weekend, due to the "Project Paper" monthly challenge?  Do you feel like a caped superhero when you complete a little organizing project of your own?  Anyone else snag up any new storage this weekend while they were out and about?  Share share share!!

I decided a little challenge would be fun! This month we are getting all those papers in order!  Wanna join?  Take pictures and blog about your awesomeness as you go!  I am hoping to do a giant, "We did it!" celebratory post where we can all link up our paper filing success stories at the end of the month!


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