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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Info Post
Many of you have mentioned to me that you are in the same boat as me.  Hi friends.  If I really was floating around in boat with someone, I would absolutely want it to be with you peeps.  You all rock!

So what is it that we all have in common in this fictional boat we are floating in?  Why, we live in little spaces!

I currently live in a home that has 1198 square feet on the main floor, which consists of a Living Room, Kitchen and Dining Room, two Bathrooms and three Bedrooms.  For a family of five plus large dog, it can definitely get crowded!  The basement was once finished, however, now that the space is gone, we realize how spoiled we were to have it.  And it also required us to get really creative by stretching every inch of living space that we are left with, to making it functional and simplified!

Where am I going with all this?  I get emails by the dozens talking about making the most of small spaces.  And although I have shared some of the things we have done to make our home functional for us, it's always fun and inspiring to see what creative things others have going on as well!!

Which is why I am off the walls excited about today's Reader Space!  Lisa has been determined to make every inch of her home count, and that she has done!  With beauty!

Lisa wrote:

I wanted to send you a quick note to let you know how much I appreciate your blog.  It's like reading about me!  My husband thinks I am nuts but after reading your blog I am reassured I am not alone in by organizing obsessions.  So I relate to your blog and love reading it and I thought you'd like to know that.

I live in a very small house 1300 square feet and have 3 children, so organizing is a MUST.  I am also lucky to have a very handy hubby who builds things and humors me with all my latest projects I want so we can be more organized.

I am attached some pictures for a little eye candy.  One is of our entryway.  The front door opens right into our living room {our main living space}.  My husband built a bench area from a drawing I sketched for him and built a half wall so create some distinction between the two areas.  The other pic is of what used to be out old laundry area.  The laundry has been moved to an oversized closet and is now concealed by doors and I used the room for a small office/craft room. 

Anyway, I love your blog and I love that someone else is as crazy as I am when it comes with organizing!

Ready to be floored?  Check out this awesome entry transformation!  When you are blessed with a space that opens right into a living room with no coat closet... getting your build on is a fantastic solution.  W O W!



First, I have to say that adding the half wall to break up the space was the most incredible idea.  It really does create the entry she never had!  Now, individuals can come in, have a great place to hang their items, and feel welcomed by the home!  GENIUS!  And who else is drooling over that built in bench and hooks?  Purchasing something like this would cost hundreds times nine.  I love they were able to create a beautiful look, with their own hands. 

But she isn't done impressing me.  Her laundry nook turned office really gets my heart racing.  Like I just drank eleven cups of espresso racing.  We are talking about creating an office nook after all...



Let's chat some more about why I love this shall we?  Lisa is obviously a crafty person.  And crafts can be incredibly challenging to store effectively, while ensuring they get used all the time!  She created a dream zone.  She was able to move her washer and dryer to a closet to be able to make new use of the room.  No more lugging all the crafts to the kitchen table {which I would just guess she had to do previously}.  Now she has a sanctuary to call her own.  A "mom cave" if you will.  With so much STORAGE!

What I find to be so smart is all of the open shelving added.  This allowed her to pop in smaller containers for all those small craft items, that are right within arms reach.  Plus, many of the storage options are clear, allowing her to know exactly what she is going for!  If she would have left those cabinets in place, sure, she could have stored a ton of items, but it wouldn't have made her time in the space as effective.

And labels galore!  Enough said!  The picture speaks a gazillion fascinating words....

Anything about this project put a little fire in you to analyze your space a little differently?  I know I want to walk to my garage and grab hammer and start pounding out walls... but that is just me....

P.S.  Have an awesome organizing story to share?  I am looking for projects that have made a positive impact to your life.  Please send your story and photos to and I would heart to feature them right here, on the blog!!  Photos should be un-editted and a description of the project, including any costs, inspiration, and how it has changed your routine for the better is so helpful!  Oh, and no worries my friends, we will NEVER judge "before" pictures because that just wouldn't be nice!  Only love goes on at this blog!


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