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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Info Post
I promised you yesterday that today I would pop those organized stacks of papers into their new, organized and labeled file folders today.

I am here to share that it didn't go exactly as planned.  But the end results were better than I could of hoped for.  I just had a little "hiccup" you could say...

I had a stack of 12 file folders that I had picked up from Target for a couple of bucks.  These are actually the ones right here:

Love the pattern.  Love the colors.  Love that I had exactly the number of stacks that I needed to fill 12 file folders.  Win win win right?

Well, until I went to use my label maker and had no tape left.  Sigh.  Now what?  I made an oath to get you an organized file post and had no label maker tape.  I wasn't about to hop into my car and drive to the nearest Target or Walmart or Office Supply store, because those are all a minimum of 20 minutes away.  Sigh.

And then I remembered the uber cool file folders, came with some sticker labels.  However, I really don't like my hand writing, a little OCD about it, I feel like my hand written labels look sloppy.  Sigh.

Then I spotted the glorious small print at the bottom of the sticker labels.  It pointed me to their website, where I could download a printable template for the labels!  AH!  WIN!

So, I downloaded the template, typed up the labels and printed them out, crossing my fingers that all went well since there were no extra stickers provided for screw ups.

I was very excited about how they turned out.  So much more fun and colorful than what my label maker could have provided!  In fact, I think I may have been so giddy, that I actually kissed the labels.  Maybe.

All I know is I couldn't wait to stick them to the folder tabs!

As you may have noticed, I am a freak for colors.  Love anything bright and pretty.  Keeps me motivated to keep things tidy!  And if you are wondering, I just used Times New Roman font in different colors.

Next, I popped the file folders in the hanging folders in my file bin, and added in the papers in their appropriate category!

And then, I called it another day!

But we aren't done.  There are still some things I am hoping to focus on this month when it comes to papers.  Like maintaining the system.  Mail.  Coupons.  Receipts.  So much more to look forward too!

Oh, and here is why I adore using a portable file bin {in case you were wondering}.

See how nicely it just tucks away under the new desk?

And if it every gets to be too much or I choose to do my filing/paperwork in my closet office nook, it would easily fit up on a shelf above that desk!

Oh.  And I almost forgot.  I don't keep my income taxes filed in the file bin.  They get special attention in a paper box instead.

Which also sits up on a shelf above the closet desk.  The box surprisingly holds all seven years of saved tax files!  Here is a similar version found at IKEA.  I don't see the brown ones any longer.

So how are you all coming along on the paperwork challenge?  Sounds like many of you were adding it to your list, or already working on it last night!  Whoop whoop for you guys!  I am SO excited!

Anyone else been making lemonade out of lemons when a project doesn't go exactly as you originally thought it would? 

I decided a little challenge would be fun! This month we are getting all those papers in order!  Wanna join?  Take pictures and blog about your awesomeness as you go!  I am hoping to do a giant, "We did it!" celebratory post where we can all link up our paper filing success stories at the end of the month!

Previous steps in this project: Step 1:  Research, Keep, Toss 


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