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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Info Post
Ask and you shall receipt!  What!?  Lame I know... I tried.

Today I am chatting about receipt storage!  Who's excited?

This one was a quick and easy one for me.  I love when organizing is quick and easy!  That means more time doing other things that I love!

I was pretty excited when I was scoping out the dollar section at Target and spotted some awesome accordion style envelopes, for you guessed it... $1!!

These babies are typically used for coupons and receipts.  For now, I went the receipt route with mine.

Why do I save receipts?  All sorts of reasons, budgeting, expense tracking, etc...

The labels that came with this envelope didn't have a built in template for me to create on the computer and print on.  And I still have no tape in my label maker {haven't been to the store in days}, so time to put that creative hat back on.

I dug through my scrapbook stickers, looking for some pretty numbers... when I stumbled across some rub-on transfers...

Perfect!  I decided to number the tabs 1-12, for each month of the year.

Then, I just whipped up a quick label in Microsoft Word for the front, so that we would always know the contents...

And it was another Project Paper "To Do" checked off the list!

Yes, I popped a new button on the envelope by using boatloads of hot glue on top of the existing button.  Because I can't leave well enough alone.  Who knows how long it will actually last without falling off?

And the envelope can be portable if I choose, or just pop into our filing bin when not in use!

What do you think?  Any other receipt storing solutions out there to share?  How is this monthly challenge coming along? 

I decided a little challenge would be fun! This month we are getting all those papers in order!  Wanna join?  Take pictures and blog about your awesomeness as you go!  I am hoping to do a giant, "We did it!" celebratory post where we can all link up our paper filing success stories at the end of the month!


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